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AltmannMIT Press1995EnglishCognitive Neuropsychology and NeurolinguisticsAlfonso CaramazzaLawrence Erlbaum1990EnglishCommunicative Organization in Natural LanguageIgor A. MelcukJohn Benjamins2001EnglishCompositionality in Formal SemanticsBarbara ParteeBlackwell2004EnglishComputational Lexical SemanticsPatrick Saint-Dizier and Evelyn ViegasCambridge University Press2005EnglishConcept, Image, and SymbolRonald W. LangackerWalter de Gruyter2002EnglishConceptsJerry A. Bradford Books2004EnglishConditionals and PredictionBarbara DancygierCambridge University advancements on Phonological GovernmentMonik CharetteCambridge University Press2006EnglishConnectionist PsycholinguisticsMorten H. Christiansen and Nick ChaterAblex Publishing2001EnglishConsciousness and LanguageJohn R. SearleCambridge University Press2002EnglishConsciousness EmergingRenate BartschJohn Benjamins2002EnglishConstraints in Phonological AcquisitionRen? TerminologiaLidia Almeida BarrosEDUSP2004PortugueseDas ZuordnungsproblemVolkmar EngererLincom2006GermanDefault SemanticsK. JaszczoltOxford University Press2005EnglishDefinition in Theory and PracticeRoy Harris and Christopher HuttonContinuum2007EnglishDerivations in MinimalismSamuel David Epstein and T. Daniel SeelyCambridge University Press2003EnglishDescriptions and BeyondMarga Reimer and Anne BezuidenhoutOxford University Press2004EnglishDevelopment of the Syntax-Discourse InterfaceSergey AvrutinSpringer1999EnglishDictionariesSidney I. LandauCambridge University skills in Corpus LinguisticsJan SvartvikMouton de Gruyter1992EnglishDiscourse Structure and AnaphoraBarbara A. Ergon1991GermanElectric WordsYorick A. DepeckerPresses Sorbonne Nouvelle2002FrenchEssays in Speech Act TheoryDaniel Vanderkeven and Susumu KuboJohn Benjamins2001EnglishEssays on DefinitionJuan C. VilelaLivraria Almedina1994PortugueseEuroWordNetPiek VossenKluwer1998EnglishExperimental PragmaticsIra A. Noveck and Dan SperberPalgrave Macmillan2005EnglishExploring the Second Language Mental LexiconDavid SingletonCambridge University Press1999EnglishExploring Time, Tense and Aspect in Natural Language Database InterfacesIon AndroutsopoulosJohn Benjamins2002EnglishFirst Language AttritionMonika S. SchmidJohn Benjamins2004EnglishFlexible Pattern Matching in StringsGonzalo Navarro and Mathieu RaffinotCambridge University Press2002EnglishFlexion im mentalen LexikonMartina PenkeNiemeyer2006GermanFluent AphasiaSusan EdwardsCambridge University Press2005EnglishForensic Aspects of Speech PatternsDennis C. TannerLawyers & Judges Publishing2004EnglishForensic LinguisticsJohn GibbonsBlackwell2003EnglishForensic LinguisticsJohn OlssonContinuum International Publishing Group2004EnglishForensic Speaker IdentificationPhil RoseCRC2002EnglishForensic Voice IdentificationHarry HollienAcademic Press2001EnglishForm and Meaning in Word FormationRudolf P. BothaCambridge University Press2006EnglishForm and Meaning in Word FormationRudolf P. Alexandra Soares RodriguesLincom2008PortugueseFormale BegriffsanalyseBernhard Ganter and Rudolf WilleSpringer1996GermanFoundations of Computational LinguisticsRoland R. HausserSpringer2001EnglishFoundations of LanguageRay JackendoffOxford University exams of LanguageRay JackendoffOxford University seas of Statistical Natural Language ProcessingChristopher D. MIT Press1999EnglishFrom Perception to MeaningBeate HampeMouton de Gruyter2005EnglishFrom Words to DiscourseJavier Gutierrez-RexachElsevier2002EnglishFunctional Structure in NominalsArtemis AlexiadouJohn Benjamins2001EnglishFuture Challenges for Natural LinguisticsKatarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk and Jaroslaw WeckwerthLincom2003EnglishGame Theory and PragmaticsAnton Benz, Gerhard Jager and Robert van RooijPalgrave Macmillan2005EnglishGrammar and ConceptualizationRonald W. LangackerWalter de Gruyter2000EnglishGrammar in Mind and BrainPaul D. DeaneMouton de Gruyter1993EnglishGrammatical MetaphorAnne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Miriam Taverniers and Louise J. RavelliJohn Benjamins2003EnglishHandbook of Psycholinguistics, Second EditionMatthew Traxler and Morton Ann GernsbacherAcademic Press2006EnglishHow Children Learn the ways of WordsPaul BloomMIT Press2000EnglishIdiomatic CreativityAndreas LanglotzJohn Benjamins2006EnglishIdiomsMartin Everaert, Erik-Jan van der Linden, Andr? Schenk and Rob SchreuderLawrence Erlbaum1995EnglishIdioms And CollocationsChristiane FellbaumContinuum2007EnglishImage, Language, BrainAlec Marantz, Yasushi Miyashita and Wayne O'NeilMIT Press2000EnglishIn Other WordsMona BakerRoutledge1992EnglishIndefinites and the Type of SetsFred LandmanBlackwell2004EnglishInflectional MorphologyGregory T. Martin Vegas and Rosa AnaLincom2006SpanishIntroducing PhonologyDavid Arnold OddenCambridge University Press2005EnglishIntroduction?